Difference between Direct Mail and EDDM
To optimize the efficiency of Every Door Direct Mail to the devastated areas, our company meticulously vets every USPS Carrier Route, specifically excluding those with Apartment Drops, guaranteeing that your mail pieces reach property owners effectively.
By providing you with detailed demographics for each carrier route, such as the Average Property Value, Average Income, and the percentage of Apartment Complex drops within each route, we empower you to make informed decisions for your business strategy.
This comprehensive approach not only saves you from wasting resources on non-property owners but also maximizes the impact and reach of your postcard campaign, ensuring that your message resonates with the targeted audience effectively.
Direct mail and Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) are two effective direct mail strategies, with differences in how they target recipients.
- Traditional direct mail targets specific demographics based on mailing lists. This enables sending brochures, flyers, and postcards to people that fit age, gender, income, and other variables.
- EDDM, however, is a less expensive option targeting every house in chosen neighborhoods.
- It works well for storm-damaged areas by targeting neighborhoods with damage.
- No mailing list is necessary with EDDM, and you can cover a specific storm damaged area using mailing routes from the USPS.
- Traditional direct mail for storm damage marketing is not as cost-effective, requiring buying a mailing list of the property owners, more expensive postage, and longer turnaround times.
- With EDDM, postcards are sent directly to the post office of mailing with no need for regional USPS sorting.
- Postcards are bundled and prepared for delivery within 1-3 days of receipt.
- EDDM is an economical and efficient option for reaching specific storm damaged neighborhoods.